Analogue imagery, developed and printed using organic restaurant waste. Contemplating origin, materiality, labour, consumption and luxury in regard to the photographic process and the kitchen.
500g Potato Peels. 1000g Cold Water.
300ml Potato Mixture. 300ml Water.
40g Washing Soda. 12g Ascorbic Acid

Darkroom manipulated image using two enlargers, a 35mm negative and a 120 negative. Silver Gelatine print on Ilford Fibre Matte Photographic Paper. Developed and printed using organic restaurant waste. Digital scan, resized 55x70 inches.


Silver Gelatine prints dry mounted on 3ply museum board

Detail shot of Silver Gelatine prints dry mounted on 3ply museum board. Damaged with dust and heat from printing press, cut by hand

Detail shot of Silver Gelatine prints dry mounted on 3ply museum board. Damaged with dust and heat from printing press, cut by hand

Silver Gelatine prints dry mounted on 3ply museum board



Silver Gelatine prints dry mounted on 3ply museum board. Damaged with dust and heat from printing press, cut by hand.


Silver Gelatine Print. 15.5 x 15.5 inches.

Detail. 2022.

11x14 Ilford Matte Fibre Photographic Paper. 2022.

Digital scan. 35mm negative developed with potato peels. 2024.

11x14 Ilford Matte Fibre Photographic Paper. 2022.

Detail. 2022.
their “sore spots”, their hands, their eyes, their feet.